Collaboration from the Trenches – What you need to know!

SharePoint Conference North America is once again bringing experts from around the world to bring you the premier SharePoint and Office365 conference around. With over 150 speakers and 200+ sessions, you are bound to find the information you need to be successful.

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To learn more about the conference, check out the SharePointNA website.

I am presenting the session “Collaboration from the Trenches: Building out your Internal Community with Teams“. This session is meant to get to heart of the struggles with rolling out any collaboration platform. As an internal champion or stakeholder, how often have you had to do the following:

  1. Have meetings to plan other meetings?
  2. Had to remind team members to do tasks multiple times through multiple avenues?
  3. Search multiple times to find the correct documents that are the source-of-truth, if they exist?
  4. Become frustrated with managing permissions?
  5. Use multiple systems to do a single process?

If you answered “yes” to any of these, this is the session for you.

What are we going to discuss?

Let’s talk Files

  • Should you use Teams view or “Open in SharePoint” ?
  • What about meta data?
  • All in one library or multiple?


  • When to @mention a Team vs Channel
  • Do you need a Team or do you need a Channel?
  • Private Team vs. Public Team
  • Private Channel vs. Public Channel
  • Notifications
  • What about Yammer?


  • Do you need it?
  • What can be customized and the right solutions

Lessons Learned

What are lessons learned from successful and unsuccessful roll-outs of Teams?

Why should you join us?

Experts in the field, an amazing venue, an attendee party, more sessions and content to fill an entire three days, not enough for you? Having the opportunity to meet other attendees and speak directly about your goals with the speakers will build valuable relationships that can last a lifetime. You can get the information you need to be successful in a fun and out-going atmosphere. Besides, you can become the internal rockstar of your organization when you share everything that you have learned. After all “Sharing is Caring!”.

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